The 9' x 20' Stainless Steel tank shelter can be set up as an Oxygen Enriched Hyperbaric Clean Air
and Water System, to protect against biological, and chemical contamination, and flooding. We are the only
company to offer this extended protection, and completely finished systems.
Other sizes available, but remember the more time you spend in the chamber, the more health
benefits your get from breathing oxygen. We have tried to make the room comfortable for two, with a desk, bed, bath, sink,
stove, and refrigerator. Once you get inside, you may never want to get out.
If you want more safety, the Stainless Steel Tank is the best option.
ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT THE HEALTH OF YOUR FAMILY! Eating right, and exercise are very important, Breathing is Also becoming very
critical in this changing environment. The oxidation is the key to life. The air we breathe is becoming more a health hazard
every year. Atmospheric oxygen levels are dropping, while carbon dioxide, and pollution levels are increasing contributing
to our health problems. Oxygen starved people go to bed tired, and wake up tired. They suffer from headaches, constipation,
indigestion, muscular aches and pains, stiff joints, aching backs, and feet, aching teeth and sore receding gums, poor eye
sight, poor hearing, loss of memory, sore throats, and respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, asthma, sinus infections,
and emphysema. Oxygen starvation results in a weakened immune system, which can lead to viral problems, and premature aging,
damaged cell growths, toxic buildup in the blood, and take these people to an early grave. Oxygen contributes to proper metabolic
functions, better circulation, assimilation, digestion and elimination. It helps purify the blood, keeping it free from cellular
build-up. Sufficient oxygen gives the body an opportunity for your body to rebuild its self, and strengthen your immune system,
our natural defense against disease, virus, and bacteria. Eating right, and exercise are habits that we must learn through
much study and education. Correcting the air we breath is more difficult, for years I’ve searched for the answer.
Your safety is our concern. this is a 30"x104" fabric chamber.
Follow this link to learn more about how Oxygen can
save your life.
In this day and age Storm Shelters are a wonderful
source of security and should be comfortable. With a small food storage designed for Emergency Retreat. The Shelters can be
bricked into a Room Edition, buried underground, or left on wheels, and fastened to the ground. By making this shelter
your primary sleeping quarters, you can get the benefits of Oxygen while you sleep.
We have 25 years in building, and remodeling. We have ten years experience building
State of the Art residential storm systems. We have other options to choose from. These are very special units,
because we put our heart into protecting you, and those you love. We have designed these systems for our family, and have
researched for the very best design for our protection, and yours. All the products that go into the systems are the very
best we can find on the market today.
We ship world wide.
References available.
This 20' steel container is safe against tornados, high winds and severe weather only.
This model would be less expensive for you, but does not have the same benefits as the above model. (see mega disasters Katrina California). The link goes to the correct page, but the correct video
is at the bottom of the page. We do not suggest burying the container, but build the system into your home as a room addition,
and brick the exterior to match your home. This meets all city codes in most every subdivision in the United States.
We can build saferooms onto your existing foundation, both underground
and above ground, from concrete and steel hyperbolically sealed, and safe from flooding, any size.
Here is a picture of a storm shelter we built underground, attached
to the foundation.